Season 4 Dothraki Dialogue
Casting speculation for Game of Thrones is a little funny this year. Being so far off the books, were a bit lost But theres still fun to be had, and thankfully our sources are still providing. Weve just received a nice batch of season 7 casting breakdowns, offering up info about a variety of roles the show has recently been casting. Lets see what we can glean from the new casting info As has become the standard, there are no names on the roles, only generic titles. The script for the season 5 finale of Game of ThronesMothers Mercydoesnt always resemble whats on screen. Check out what changed in the transition. DaenerysSad3.jpg' alt='Season 4 Dothraki Dialogue Season' title='Season 4 Dothraki Dialogue Season' />If you dont like potential spoilers, then this is not the post for you. General, in the age range 4. Hes a senior military officer, and theyre looking for a white actor who uses the British RP accent. The actor is needed for the week of September 6th. Priest, in his 6. Hes a venerable priest with moral authority and gravitas. The show is seeking a white actor, using an RP accent, with characterful face for this part. Hes scheduled to shoot one week, from September 2. Warrior, in the 3. The character is a tough looking bruiser with the attack skills of a pit bull, and the actor needs to be great at fighting. He has a considerable amount of dialogue as well. Its described as an excellent part for a top end actor. Helpful clues in the description We know its not a Dothraki character as the actor for the role is required to be white, and theyre asking for a neutral and non posh English accent. This role is currently scheduled to shoot across October. Gate Guard, in his 2. The character is described as a Confident, characterful, straight talking Northern lad with a great face to play across a very excellent series of scenes. Theyre looking someone with wit, timing, and charisma. Hes currently scheduled to film between mid October and mid November. City Guard, in his 3. The show is casting for a city guard who intercepts a suspicious looking person on his nightly patrol. They require an RP accent for this one. Hes set to shoot for a week in mid October. Merchant, in his 4. The merchant appears at an inn during a busy evening. Theyre seeking a character actor, for a non combatant role. His appearance is more open, including ethnicityrace. That suggests a character appearing somewhere in Essos or a place weve never been before, since Daenerys is now on the move. This part is scheduled to shoot the first week of November. Lovely Lady. Ah yes, what would Game of Thrones be without its courtesans and nudity. The show is casting for an attractive young courtesan who is sure of her own mind. Its described as a good speaking part and casting notes that full nudity is required for the role. Similar to the merchant, the lovely ladys physical appearance is open, indicating this role is for somewhere on Essos, or at a new location. Shes scheduled to shoot for one week in early October. Young Lord in his late 2. Hes a tall, handsome young lord, and the show is looking for a white actor who uses the RP accent. Hes scheduled to shoot in the week commencing September 2. Lieutenant, in his 2. The character is described as an athletic, physically fit, and disciplined warrior. Appearance wise, theyre looking for someone not white, with Middle Eastern descent mentioned. This bears the hallmarks of a Dothraki character description. Hes set to shoot several days across three weeks, between mid September and mid November. Theres a lot of mention of RP this time around. To explain, the show tends to use RP accent around Kings Landing for its major well to do characters. People from the lower class like Davos use a different accent, and Northerners sound more well, northern. So RP often points toward Kings Landing but its not a guarantee. So what do you think, readersWho is that suspicious looking person interrupting the nightly patrol Which Gate is being guarded this time Winterfell, Castle Black or anotherHigh Valyrian Vocabulary Dothraki. From Dothraki High Valyrian Vocabulary List A note about the IPA pronunciation guides here. The letter kh can also be pronounced gh, k or h depending on the speaker. The same happens with th which can vary between t, s or z depending on the speaker. Finally the vowel y should be pronounced. II slippery sleek, smooth fast, quick. I iron lt. 3ter return prob. I your sg. poss. III new. Jaehossi U. II fortunate, lucky, happy. Biarior Arlior J I this proximal, animate. Bisi vali. I that distal, animatedem. I long either temporally or spatially, tall. III sixtieth. D d. As free men v. 6pauc. Kostilus jevi. However, no such verb exists in the classical language, and it is uncertain if there ever was one. Ziry kivio d. There is probably a verb deragon which means something like to take. AV mazedhas derari he was taken. Vala Aero syt r. Valar dohaeris. All men must serve, the response to valar morgh. III not much, few lt dor olvieadj. I made of stone lt d. I stoney one Stone Man i. The Unburnt Substantivized form of orzalta unburnt lt do zalta. Daenerys Targarien, Jelm. Forward march n. II wide. II true, correct. III high. Voktys Eglie a. III first primary. Col. emb II aquatic lt embar. III western adj. III hundredth. Se d. I silver colored silver like. C fin. to heal intransitive, to be healed perh. One Who is Not Yet Healed, a term used in Astapor for Unsullied in training substantivized future participle of gi. AV ginilaro. adj. II whole. v. How are you, Syr. Col. glaesor life slightly more abstract. I round lt grevy enka. As free men n. Valar limassis. All men must cry. Watch Halo Wars Putlocker. II three. h. III thirtieth. I same. Lodaor h. Avy hoskas lue br. A name that gives you pride. I lunar lt h. II fellow cf. Tegon yno g. Perzys yno iemn. Earth below me. Fire within me. Original meaning to lay straight preserved in expression geros ilas good bye, literally something like may the path lie straight. III straight cf. I our. Jonos, Jon a common name. Daoruni g. II cold. It supplanted kisagon as the word for to eat. Valar Ipradiks All Men Must Eat. All Men Must Be Eaten. I four. izul. III fortieth. III fourth. J n. 3lun goddess lt jaeh io. I its, his, her. poss. Jaohossa rhovisi The dogs are barking. I glorious Aorist passive participle of unknown verb aqagon, perhaps from z raqagon. A. Possibly originally a collective, like lentor. Coll. jelmior. III eighth. III eightieth. n. I your pl. poss. Yn kostosy daor. But they cannot. I blue, green. Generally used intransitively, except in the perfect passive participle keliton ended. I this proximal, inanimate. Kesys ondor avy sytil. Khal, title used for the leader of a Dothraki horde lt Doth. Khaleesi, Dothraki queen, wife of a khal lt Doth. Word persists in Classical High Valyrian, but with a different meaning, not yet known. I that distal, inanimatedem. I powerful, strong, mighty lt kostagonMittys iks. The masters are too strong. Kost. II happy. Tub. Cyvasse, a Volantene board game cf. I faceless. I two. I filled, full. Valar limassis. All men must cry. I for sale fut. pass. II fair, beautiful. II wet. rel. pron. I quiet, silent. Iderennon maghan. I bring you a choice. Forward march n. Dovaog Slay the masters, slay the soldiers Mentyri ida. Meraxes, one of the dragons used in Aegons invasion of Westeros. II one. adv. It belongs to you and you alone. One of Daenerys Targariens titles. Watch The Circuit 2: The Final Punch Online. I short. Mirri. II any This word has many uses, corresponding almost exactly to those of the English equivalent any some. In the sense of all. Henujagon jaelza lua vala mirre henujagon kostas. The masters are too strong. II dead. Ionos S. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Forward march n. III many cf. Antagonism. II immortal. I brave lt n. Nyk. I armless lt. I my. Va oktio rem. III much, many. Olv. For ondor and ondoso see the respective entries. Slay the masters, slay the soldiersSindity se liorty, qilonty se ozb. Bought and sold, scourged and branded, raped and defiled. II coming from the waves lt pelar. III false etymology unknown. Possibly derived from an obsolete verb iragon to lie, but no such verb exists in the Classical language. I their. pron. 3ter bark. Perf. pass. part. I rotten possibly a perfect participlen. I worn, weather beaten of language proficiency rusty. II that livescomes from the river lt qelbar. III yellow, golden colored. Ondos Qeldlie Goldenhand. Sindity se liorty, qilonty se ozb. Bought and sold, scourged and branded, raped and defiled. I hard, difficult. Lo jention mirre n. Sindity se liorty, qilonty se ozb. Bought and sold, scourged and branded, raped and defiled. I antagonistic. Antagonism. III thick. adj. III terrible lt possibly the same root as in quba. I pagan Quptenkys I love you. New York Iof a material or texture rough, coarse by extension unpleasant. Jaohossa rhovisi The dogs are barking. Template 3ter i. I big. Davido zaldr. III great, excellent lt r. To eat. perfect ryptanv. I healthy. perfect istanv. Yn kostosy daor. But they cannot. III seventh. perfect siglitanv. The Dragon Queen Sindity se liorty, qilonty se ozb. Bought and sold, scourged and branded, raped and defiled. III seventieth. int. II which for inanimates, what. How are you II which for animatesint. On account of whom For whose sake 3ter ice. Ziry kivio d. Yn kostosy daor. But they cannot. v. Skoro syt why As free men II good. Kyd. III curved. II terrestrial lt tegon. Thoros, a name. n. I dry poss. The masters are too strong. III other perh. III every. III fiftieth. adv. II second secondary. I old. Nyke Daenerys Jelm. Valar morgh. Valyria the Valyrian language. Valyrian, i. e. Sindity se liorty, qilonty se ozb. Bought and sold, scourged and branded, raped and defiled. I dirty lt vaog, as in dovaogedy, enka. III thin. n. The Dragon Queen Westeros. D. I solar lt v. III ninetieth. Vale abra v. The woman kissed the man. The Dragon Queen Yunkai lt GhiscariLodaor h. Z perfect zaltan III dark black. T. Fear cuts deeper than swords. I his, her, its. Abbreviations adj. May be incorrect. The Art of Language Invention from Horse Lords to Dark Elves, the words behind world building. New York, New York Penguin Books. ISBN 9. 78 0 1. The Art of Language Invention from Horse Lords to Dark Elves, the words behind world building. New York, New York Penguin Books. ISBN 9. 78 0 1. As this error has persisted uncorrected for two years, it has already been propagated to any discussions of HV on the internet. If you are in a position to do so, please correct any references you may find to. I like iosre better. But that doesnt mean ioje isnt acceptable by any means. However, in later conversation he revealed that it actually is an applicatve in origin. A Game of Thrones. Bantam Dell. ISBN 9. You could certainly drop it straight into the lunar declension I paradigm same as vala. You could also just strip the final a in everything but the nominative singular and put it into the paradigm for borrowings. Its a foreign word, so you never know. However, DJP did correct this sentence, and confirm that the use of mirros in this sense was valid. As it is our only example so far of that usage, it seemed valid to cite it here. Peterson I suppose it could, but in this case it is not its primordially related to something else. That said, its not as if the rules are hard and fast for how a borrowed word should be rendered. It very well could come out as Rull. That wouldnt explain its nominative stress pattern word final, but it would explain the rest of the paradigm. But the only oblique case weve encountered is gen. The Art of Language Invention from Horse Lords to Dark Elves, the words behind world building. New York, New York Penguin Books. ISBN 9. 78 0 1. Now known to be 3aq. Tegor would work if you need to say.