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Business News The Chronicle Herald.
Red River Farm Network. First Major Tax Reform Bill in Nearly 3. Years —. House leadership is promising significant changes in tax policy. Speaker Paul Ryan said these changes are needed. We haven’t reformed the tax code since 1. The world is passing this country by.
We’re losing jobs and companies as a result of it. The political will among members is iron clad to get this done. If we don’t do this, we’ll not get the economic potential we can reach.”. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady says this new tax reform proposal is a complete re- write of the tax code. To pay for the tax cuts, this plan adds $1. Estate Tax Exemption Included in Reform Package —. Agriculture will see changes if the House GOP tax reform plan is enacted.
The estate tax exemption for individuals will double from $5. South Dakota Representative Kristi Noem, who is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, participated in Thursday’s announcement. Repealing the death tax is incredibly important to me. It’s the most unfair tax in our tax code. It’s a double tax.
If we’re going to really get back to a tax code that helps people and doesn’t harm them, we have to repeal the death tax.” This provision also includes stepped- up basis on inherited assets. Tax Wins and Losses for Agriculture —. With the House tax reform package, there are proposed changes for the Section 1. The existing bonus depreciation provision would also be expanded and Section 1. Agriculture groups are not happy with the entire plan.
Farmers would be required to pay self- employment taxes on much of their income, real estate rent and limited partnership- passive ordinary income. Analysts indicate the self employment tax could negatively impact retired landowners who depend on rental income. The proposal would also eliminate the ability of farm cooperatives to pass on savings to members in Section 1. NFU on Tax Reform —. Tax reform is expected to dominate the schedule in November.
National Farmers Union President Roger Johnson says implications for the federal deficit will ultimately impact money available for the next farm bill. This tax package is the great big question mark right now," says Johnson.
If that happens, does it blow up the ability to do a farm bill? We don't know the answer to that question yet, and we probably won't for some time.". If tax reform becomes too complicated and doesn’t pass, Johnson still sees the possibility action could come on the farm bill late this year or early in 2. The word we get is that Chairman Conaway has largely written the bill. I think all signs point to the House moving first this time, then the Senate would move fairly quickly thereafter." Johnson is still hopeful about getting a farm bill done on time.Farm Bills Take "a Long Time" —. House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway and Ranking Member Collin Peterson have predicted the farm bill could move by early 2.
Texas A& M University Extension economist Joe Outlaw isn’t necessarily that optimistic. I think they’ll try really hard. Sometimes they try and things don’t get done as intended. The chairmen on both sides want to get things done, but I also have experience that it takes a long time.” No matter the timeframe, money will continue to be the challenge.
Pretty much across the board there will be downsizing, but I do believe cotton will be back in Title I protection, rather than insurance- only. I do believe dairy will get assistance. I think there will be modifications of the nutrition title, specifically SNAP.
I don’t know if there will be significant cuts, but I do believe there will be added requirements to garner votes from people in Washington.”Heading to Capitol Hill —. There are many moving parts when writing a farm bill and the 2. To bring focus into this farm bill process, the Red River Farm Network will spend additional time on Capitol Hill. RRFN kicks off this special series during the week of November 1.
In these exclusive reports, you'll hear from important players in this debate. The RRFN Farm Bill Focus coverage is sponsored by the North Dakota Corn Growers Association, North Dakota Soybean Growers Association, National Farmers Union and Ag. Watch Morlocks Online. Country Farm Credit Services. On- air and online, RRFN is Reporting Agriculture's Business.Ahead of Farm Bill Debate, EWG Releases New Data —.
The Environmental Working Group has updated its so- called Farm Subsidy Database. According to the EWG analysis of USDA payments, farming operations received more than $1.
In this region, the EWG says Minnesota received more than $2. North Dakota and South Dakota are ranked seventh and eighth on that list. EWG continues to target the farm safety net for cuts and has called for means testing for all farm program recipients.Amid Controversy, Clovis Withdraws His Nomination —. USDA Undersecretary nominee Sam Clovis has withdrawn his name from consideration.
Clovis was a controversial pick from the start with Democrats questioning his credentials for a research, education and economics position. This past week, Clovis’ name was linked to the investigation into possible Russian influence in the presidential election. Clovis has been serving as a senior White House advisor to USDA and will continue to serve in that capacity.Censky Will Speak at Agri. Growth Meeting —. Deputy Agriculture Secretary Steve Censky will be returning to his home state of Minnesota Thursday. Censky will be featured at the Minnesota Agri. Growth Annual Meeting.
This is Censky’s first appearance in the state since being sworn in nearly a month ago.Concerned About the Lack of Concern —. President Donald Trump is on a 1. Asia. CHS Director of Federal Affairs Sara Gallo says agriculture is anxious to see how the discussions go. We would like for them to talk about trade and start moving the ball on bilateral negotiations they’ve talked about.” Gallo says the uncertainty surrounding NAFTA is concerning for agriculture. The larger agriculture community is concerned the administration isn’t as concerned about the health of the agriculture economy when it comes to these trade agreements.”USDA Leads Trade Mission to India —.
USDA Undersecretary Ted Mc. Kinney has wrapped up a trade mission to India. Mc. Kinney says the response has been overwhelmingly positive. We have had many opportunities and real discussions for trade. Some of them are feeling out a sense of how you might do business. Some have advanced the ball.”.