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Amethyst Amelia Kelly, known professionally as Iggy Azalea z e l i born 7 June 1990, is an Australian rapper. Born in Sydney and raised in. Kathrin Romary Beckinsale born 26 July 1973 is an English actress. After some minor television roles, she made her film debut in Much Ado About Nothing 1993 while. Logan film X Men Movies Wiki. Release Date. March 3, 2. Logan. This is what life looks like. A home. People who love each other. You still have time. Charles Xaviersrc. Watch The World`S Fastest Indian Online Hulu. Logan is the third and final film in the Wolverine trilogy and the tenth installment in the X Men film series. Directed by James Mangold, who directed The Wolverine, the film stars Hugh Jackman reprising his role as LoganWolverine as well as Patrick Stewart as Charles XavierProfessor X. WIZa9WGwP0/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Watch The Appearing Online Hollywoodreporter' title='Watch The Appearing Online Hollywoodreporter' />The movie is also notable for being both Jackman and Stewarts last portrayal of their characters. It was released worldwide on March 3, 2. Home media releases were released on May 1. Digital HD and May 2. Blu ray and DVD respectively. Il Trono di Spade Game of Thrones una serie televisiva statunitense di genere fantastico creata da David Benioff e D. B. Weiss, che ha esordito il 17 aprile 2011. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. Logan is the third and final film in the Wolverine trilogy and the tenth installment in the. May 01, 2017 944am PT by Ashley Cullins. New Fox News Lawsuit Claims Host Was Taken Off Air. A black and white version of the film, titled Logan Noir was also available for the home media release. Synopsis. In 2. 02. X Men have disbanded. No new mutants have been born in over twenty years, and as their numbers dwindled, Charles Xaviers dreams of a new stage in evolution slowly died. A weary Logan has surrendered himself to alcoholism, now earns a living as a limo driving chauffeur in a town on the border between Mexico and the United States, and is hustling for medication that he takes out south to a remote, makeshift home and hideout, he shares with Caliban, nursemaid to the ailing and infirm, old Charles Xavier, whom he and Caliban take care of and keep hidden away. Watch Extraction Online Fandango'>Watch Extraction Online Fandango. In addition, Logans power to self heal is dwindling fading as he has aged, with his face and body being scarred from past injuries and battles. One day, Logans attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are ended when a female stranger asks him to drive a girl named Laura to Canada At first, Logan refuses, but the Professor reveals that he has been waiting a long time for her to appear. Laura possesses an extraordinary fighting prowess and is in many ways like Wolverine. She is pursued by The Reavers led by Donald Pierce1 and sinister figures working for a powerful corporation known as Alkali Transigen because her DNA contains the secret that connects her to Logan. A relentless pursuit begins, and a decrepit Wolverine is forced to ask himself if he can or even wants to put his remaining powers to good use, as he is drawn back into action, despite his hopelessness. Plot. The year is 2. Logan, who has aged greatly when his healing factor began to falter over the years, spends his days working as a chauffeur and hustling for prescription drugs in Texas while he and Caliban live in an abandoned farm across the border in Mexico, where they care for a senile Charles Xavier, who had inadvertently killed several of his X Men in a seizure induced psychic attack a year earlier. Logan is approached by Gabriela, a nurse for Transigen who asks to escort her and an 1. Laura to a place in North Dakota called Eden. After reluctantly accepting the job, Logan discovers that Gabriela has been murdered and he, Xavier, and Laura narrowly escape from Donald Pierce and the Reavers while Caliban is captured and ordered to use his mutant powers to track them. Logan and Xavier learn through a video on Gabrielas phone that Transigen was breeding children with DNA samples from several mutants, but upon completion of the X 2. Gabriela helped several children escape from the Transigen compound before smuggling Laura across the border. Furhermore, Laura is revealed to be Logans daughter, as she was bred with his DNA. While staying in Oklahoma City, Logan develops skepticism over the location of Eden, as he discovers it being referenced in an X Men comic book that Laura brought with her. The Reavers find their whereabouts, but Xavier suffers another seizure and freezes everyone at the hotel with a psychic blast. Logan injects Xavier with a suppressant before they leave the city. The trio are given shelter by a family after helping them round up their horses during a highway incident. That night, Xavier and the family are killed by X 2. Logan, who then shackles Laura and heads to the Reavers van. Caliban grabs two grenades and sets them off, killing himself and destroying the van while Logan and Laura once again escape. After burying Xavier, Logan reluctantly follows Lauras orders to take her to Eden. They arrive at Eden, which is a safe haven run by Rictor and former Transigen test subjects. There, Logan learns that the children will make an eight mile journey across the forest to the Canadian border, but they are quickly captured by the Reavers. Using a mutant serum given to him by Rictor, Logan injects himself which heals all his past scars and restores his strength to his physical prime. Fully re energized Logan plows through the Reavers, but the serum wears off quickly before he meets Zander Rice, the head of the Transigen project who sought to avenge his fathers death during the Weapon X program. Logan kills Rice while the children overwhelm Pierce with their powers, but he is outmatched by X 2. He is impaled through a tree during the fight, but Laura shoots X 2. Adamantium bullet, which Logan had kept with him for years. After Logan succumbs to his wounds, Laura and the children bury him before continuing their journey across the border. As they all leave, Laura returns to Logans grave, removes the cross, and places it on its side to create an X, honoring Logan as the last of the X Men. Cast. Development. In November 2. 01. Century Fox had begun negotiations with both actor Hugh Jackman and director James Mangold to return for a third solo film starring Wolverine. Mangold is negotiating now to write the treatment for the film with Lauren Shuler Donner returning to produce. Hugh Jackman is set to reprise his role as Wolverine. David James Kelly was hired to write the script for the film. Production. In March 2. James Mangold announced that shooting for the The Wolverine sequel will be inspired by other Wolverine stories from the comic books and will begin after the release of Bryan Singers, X Men Apocalypse in 2. Box Office tweeted that the film will be released on March 3, 2. On March 2. 1, 2. David James Kelly is announced to write the films script and Jackman had confirmed to once again reprise his role as Wolverine. It was also announced that this film will be the last time Hugh Jackman portrays Wolverine in a solo role, and as a leading character. In February 2. 01. Patrick Stewart confirmed his involvement in the film as Professor X, while stating that he will not be featured in X Men Apocalypse. In March 2. 01. 5, Mangold anticipated filming would start early next year. In August 2. 01. 5, Stewart revealed that he would have a significant role in the film. In September 2. 01. Liev Schreiber, who portrayed Sabretooth in X Men Origins Wolverine, appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and discussed the possibility of reprising his role as Sabretooth in the film, though stated he had yet to be contacted by the production. In January 2. 01. Jackman confirmed that a screenplay was close to completion, but did not know when filming will begin. In February 2. 01. Fox may consider going for an R rating. Simon Kinberg revealed to Collider that filming as already started and it will be an R rated film. During the same month, Liev Schreiber said that he was in talks to reprise his role in the sequel. Schreiber reiterated interest in being the film, to MTV News at the 2. Oscars Red Carpet, and confirmed that he had been in talks to reprise the role of Sabretooth in some capacity. By April 2. 01. 6, Boyd Holbrook was cast in the film to play an unnamed relentless and intense head of security for the Essex Corporation,3. Richard E. Grant was revealed to have been cast as an as of yet unnamed mad scientist. In the same month, Simon Kinberg stated that the film would be set in the future. Towards the end of the month, Stephen Merchant was cast in an unspecified role. Production for the film will begin on April 2. New Orleans and New Mexico. Il Trono di Spade serie televisivaIl Trono di Spade Game of Thrones una serie televisivastatunitense di genere fantastico creata da David Benioff e D. B. Weiss, che ha esordito il 1. HBO. nata come adattamento televisivo del ciclo di romanzi Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco A Song of Ice and Fire di George R. R. Martin. La serie racconta le avventure di molti personaggi ed ambientata in un grande mondo immaginario costituito principalmente dal continente Occidentale Westeros e da quello Orientale Essos. Il centro pi grande e civilizzato del continente Occidentale la citt capitale Approdo del Re, dove si trova il Trono di Spade dei Sette Regni. La lotta per la conquista del trono porta le pi potenti e nobili famiglie del continente a scontrarsi o allearsi tra loro in un contorto gioco di potere, che coinvolge anche lultima discendente della dinastia regnante deposta. Gli intrighi politici, economici e religiosi dei nobili lasciano la popolazione nella povert e nel degrado, mentre il mondo viene minacciato dallarrivo di un inverno diverso dai precedenti, che risveglia creature leggendarie dimenticate e fa emergere forze oscure e magiche. Il Trono di Spade ha attirato un numero record di telespettatori su HBO e ha generato un fandom internazionale eccezionalmente ampio e attivo. La serie ha ottenuto vasti consensi da parte della critica, in particolare per la recitazione, i personaggi complessi, la trama, la portata e la qualit della produzione, sebbene luso frequente di nudo e di violenza fisica e sessuale abbiano attirato anche alcune critiche negative. Il Trono di Spade detiene due record del mondo programma televisivo pi piratato e simulcast di un programma televisivo drammatico pi ampio1 e ha vinto 3. Premi Emmy su 1. 06 nomination totali,2 diventando la serie televisiva pi riconosciuta dallAcademy of Television Arts Sciences. EN. When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. IT. Al gioco del trono o si vince o si muore. Cersei Lannister3Eddard Stark, lord di Grande Inverno, viene incaricato dal suo re e amico Robert Baratheon di recarsi ad Approdo del Re per ricoprire la carica di Primo Cavaliere del Re. La guerra fra i Sette Regni per alle porte, a causa degli intrighi e delle mire al Trono di Spade dei membri della nobile Casa Lannister. Jon Snow, figlio illegittimo di Eddard Stark, si arruola invece nei Guardiani della notte e si reca sulla Barriera, enorme muro di ghiaccio che separa il mondo degli uomini dalle ostili terre dellEterno Inverno, da cui sta arrivando una minaccia terribile. Nel frattempo, Daenerys Targaryen e il suo crudele fratello Viserys, ultimi superstiti della nobile Casa Targaryen regnante prima della rivolta dei Baratheon, cercano di ricostruire lantico potere nelle selvagge terre al di l del mare. La guerra tra le famiglie dei Sette Regni ormai giunta. Mentre Tyrion Lannister esercita le funzioni di Primo Cavaliere e regge a stento il Trono di Spade, su cui seduto il folle giovane re Joffrey, altri uomini pretendono di essere regnanti Robb Stark, che ha radunato i vessilli del Nord Stannis Baratheon, la cui rigida lucidit in parte annebbiata da un nuovo culto monoteista Renly Baratheon, con il supporto delle armate dellAltopiano Balon Greyjoy, con le sue navi lunghe Daenerys Targaryen, la giovane principessa esiliata, sopravvissuta alle fiamme e madre dei draghi, che cerca un esercito al di l del mare. Nel frattempo, oltre la Barriera, Jon Snow e i Guardiani della notte si preparano allimpatto con forze oscure e dimenticate. I giochi continuano. Jon Snow tra i Bruti e mentre Daenerys Targaryen cerca di ottenere un esercito nelle terre di Astapor, la situazione ad Approdo del Re cambia i Tyrell acquistano pi potere e cercano di entrare nelle grazie dei potenti Lannister. In viaggio verso nord, Bran Stark vive sogni sempre pi realistici e incontra un nuovo amico che lo accompagner nel suo viaggio verso la Barriera. Jaime Lannister e Brienne di Tarth continuano la loro marcia verso sud con non poche difficolt, mentre Tyrion e Cersei Lannister non sono pi padroni di loro stessi dallarrivo del loro padre nella capitale. Arya Stark incontra il sacerdote Thoros di Myr e si unisce alla Fratellanza Senza Vessilli. Rifugiato alla Roccia del Drago, Stannis Baratheon attende un segnale dal Signore della Luce, mentre la Sacerdotessa Rossa in viaggio alla ricerca del figlio bastardo nelle cui vene scorre il sangue di un Re. Theon Greyjoy stato rapito dal bastardo di Roose Bolton, un individuo di raro sadismo che lo tormenter alternando torture, mutilazioni e false speranze. Robb Stark sente il peso della guerra e cerca di dare uno scopo ai suoi uomini, ma intrighi e tradimenti lo aspettano presso coloro che credeva suoi alleati. La guerra dei cinque Re sembra giungere a un epilogo e i Lannister figurano come vincitori indiscussi. Ad Approdo del Re, il giovane re Joffrey pronto per sposare Margaery Tyrell, ma qualcuno sta tramando per impedire al giovane leone di regnare Tyrion si ritrova invischiato in un complotto che rischia di condurlo alla morte e nuove personalit importanti arrivano in citt. Sansa Stark trova un inaspettato alleato nel momento del bisogno. Alla Roccia del Drago, Stannis Baratheon cerca di riorganizzare le sue truppe e cercare sostegno nelle Citt Libere al di l del mare. Alla Barriera, Jon Snow e i Guardiani della Notte si preparano ad affrontare lesercito di Mance Rayder, sempre pi vicino ai confini dei Sette Regni. Bran Stark continua il suo viaggio nelle Terre dellEterno Inverno, mentre sua sorella Arya prosegue la sua avventura da ostaggio del Mastino. Brienne di Tarth e Podrick Payne si imbarcano in una missione per conto di Jaime. Nel Nord, Theon Greyjoy sempre pi succube del sadico Ramsay Snow, impegnato in una missione per provare il suo valore al padre e venire riconosciuto come un Bolton. A Meereen, Daenerys Targaryen si insedia come regina e governa la Baia degli Schiavisti. Ad Approdo del Re, la Regina Madre Cersei Lannister tenta di mantenere solido il potere della Corona, ora guidata dal giovane Tommen Baratheon. La famiglia reale per minacciata dallemergente figura enigmatica e austera dellAlto Passero e dal suo ordine di fedeli ai Sette Dei. Jaime Lannister parte per una pericolosa missione a Dorne, mentre suo fratello Tyrion vaga per il Continente Orientale in cerca di uno scopo. Conscio dellimminente arrivo della Lunga Notte, Jon Snow tenta di fondare unalleanza con i Bruti, ma le sue decisioni sono poco amate tra i Guardiani della Notte. Petyr Baelish lascia la Valle di Arryn per dedicarsi al suo nuovo piano con Sansa Stark. Nel frattempo, Re Stannis Baratheon si prepara alla conquista dei Sette Regni, anche se la sua marcia verso Grande Inverno si rivela piena di ostacoli. Ad aspettarlo nel cuore del Nord vi sono Roose e Ramsay Bolton, decisi a difendere il potere ottenuto con sangue e tradimento. A Meereen, Daenerys Targaryen affronta le conseguenze della sua politica senza il consiglio di ser Jorah Mormont, il quale cerca in tutti i modi di riguadagnare la fiducia della Madre dei Draghi. Arrivata a Braavos, Arya Stark aspira ad acquisire i poteri degli Uomini Senza Volto e diventare unassassina. Ad Approdo del Re, la Regina Madre Cersei Lannister e suo fratello Jaime tentano di riunire la famiglia reale, ancora minacciata dal Credo Militante dellAlto Passero. A Grande Inverno, Ramsay Bolton cerca di convincere le grandi famiglie del Nord ad allearsi con lui, mentre a Braavos Arya Stark prosegue il suo percorso per diventare nessuno. A Dorne, Ellaria Sand pronta a prendere le redini del principato con laiuto delle Serpi delle Sabbie. Petyr Baelish, ottenuto il completo controllo sul giovane Robin Arryn e lesercito della Valle, deve riconquistare la fiducia di Sansa Stark.